For more than a year, civil society has kept up the pressure on the coup government in Sudan. Now she is signing an agreement with the military. But important points are left out.

The military government and civil parties in Sudan have signed an agreement to return to democracy. This was reported by the Sudanese news agency Suna on Monday in the capital Khartoum. Among other things, the agreement provides for a two-year transition phase until elections are held. According to the exile radio station Radio Dabanga, this is a preliminary agreement that excludes sensitive and crucial issues such as justice and security from further negotiations.

The agreement provides for the appointment of a civilian prime minister to lead the country to elections. The agreement reached through mediation by the UN, the African Union (AU) and the regional federation of states IGAD was signed by the civil alliance "Forces for Freedom and Change" (FFC-CC), among others. The alliance was involved in a civilian-military government that the military overthrew in October 2021. Numerous parties and groups have boycotted the negotiations because they reject talks with the military. You have called for protests against the agreement.

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